- Always wait for the setup. Know when to sell before you buy. Set up exit strategies. Cut your losses, let your profits run.
- Develop your investment philosophy.
- DISCIPLINE is the key to successful investing.
- Big profits do not involve big risks. It is not risky to buy securities for a fraction that they are worth.
- Define your circle of competence.
- When there is nothing to do, do nothing.
- Admit and learn from your mistakes.
- Survive first, and make money afterward. Invest first, investigate later (listen to the market).
- Diversification is a protection against ignorance.
- If you do not understand it, do not do it.
- Follow your own system religiously.
- Invest for stimulation and sell-fulfillment, not only for money.
- Enjoy the process of investing.
- Lives and breathes investing 24 hours a day.
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14 hours ago
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